Org Design for Design Orgs

Enhancing design management with insights from Merholz and Skinner
Cover of "Org Design for Design Orgs" by Merholz and Skinner

Authored by Merholz and Skinner

Peter Merholz and Kristin Skinner's book is a must-read for any manager in a design organization. You may love the way your organization operates, but it can be so much better. You may think you have a great framework for development, but it can be better. You may also think your management abilities are great...but, they can be better.

As a design manager, I wanted to better understand my role in the fabric of the entire organization. I sought out this book because it provides an excellent description of the organization, framework, and components of an effective design organization that our design org is attempting to achieve. The insight and clarity that I realized by reading this book fundamentally changed the way I will manage design work and people.

My favorite part of this book was the basic designer levels that help any designer know exactly how to progress in their field of expertise. Secondly, the small team structure also provides a solid framework for incredible value delivery.

Seriously, read this book.

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