Re-Igniting Sci-Fi

Reviving Sci-Fi: New Takes on Classic Franchises

If you don’t know already, here’s a tip: I’m a sci-fi geek. I grew up watching Star Trek: The Next Generation and I loved watching the Star Wars marathons that ran during the holiday season. I ate that stuff up like chocolate cake. It’s probably why I’m so fascinated by technology, but that’s a whole different discussion.

The Star Trek and Star Wars franchises are nothing new. What excites me about this recent resurgence in Sci-Fi, is that we’re getting a fresh perspective on what was. With the help of new directors, writers and actors, we’re re-telling and expanding upon these stories that we grew up with. Gone are design fads of the 70s, 80s and 90s. I personally believe the artists, set designers and directors are doing a great job showing us what it ‘could have looked like’, without stepping outside the bounds of the story.

I’ve heard a lot of jokes about the ‘Abrams Lens Flare’, but you have to respect his ability to re-tell stories in a new way. The sets that he’s involved in entail so much more ‘life’ than the original sets of the franchises. I love the combination of grit and dirt with the high-tech landscape of these films.

I’m so excited to see how these re-invented stories drive innovation and spark interest in developing these amazing technologies.

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