Responsive Design: Patterns & Principles

Ethan Marcotte’s Guide to Responsive Design Patterns and Principles
Responsive Design: Patterns and Principles book cover

by Ethan Marcotte

This excellent book focuses on common patterns and principles in the responsive design industry today. Ethan Marcotte puts together some practical case studies to help us get a better perspective for our designs. If you're a UI designer, UX designer or web developer this book will help you think about how to approach complex responsive problems with simple solutions.

One of my favorite parts of this book was how Ethan expanded on a case study involving mobile navigation and how the people involved worked through a very complex navigation problem. He also dove into the topic of CSS frameworks and micro-frameworks helping to provide clarity in a murky and controversial issue.

Overall this was a great read and I am really glad I took the time reading through it. If you're interested in giving this book a read, head over to and pick up a copy.

  • Favorite Thing: Case Studies
  • Most Helpful Part: A look at CSS frameworks
  • Would I recommend it? Yes! ??

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